Empathy allows you to put yourself in someone else's shoes, in fact, empathy allows you experience others feelings as if they were yours, as if you were the same person living the actual experience.
Empathy is placing yourself in their shoes and feel what they are feeling.
Empathy is actually one of the main factors in the development of kindness.
According to Daniel Goleman, empathy is composed of five key elements:
- Understanding Others
- Persons who have developed empathy have learned to listen well, to pay attention to non-verbal communication, they also show sensitivity and understand others perspectives, these empathic persons have gained the ability to sense others emotions. Empathic people are actually able to sense see beyond the walls and masks commonly used to hide emotions. They also understand that there is more than meets the eye, meaning, that not everything is what it seems, that it is not ok to judge persons, and much less under a first impression. Empathic people understand that behavior is tightly linked to the lived experiences and that each of those affects us all positively or negatively. Empathic people also tend to see the best in everyone.
- Empaths are able to help other people based on their understanding of those people needs and feelings.
- Persons who have sharpened their empathy skills tend to be able to identify others emotions even when they are being hidden.
- Developing Others
- People who have developed empathy tend to see the best in others, and do their best to help those others become the best version of themselves.
- Having a Service Orientation
- People who have developed empathy stop focusing only on themselves, they give up their egos, and instead focus on ways to help others persons, especially persons in need.
- Leveraging Diversity
- Every person is unique, each individual has specific experiences, abilities, beliefs and opinions, that makes every person different from each other.
People who have developed empathy understand that the differences do not make you weak, and instead makes you stronger, differences in beliefs and opinions when handled correctly create healthy arguments that bring the best results, different music skills for example, allows you to create a band with many different instruments that when working together create the most beautiful melodies. - Leveraging diversity is basically understand the differences and take advantage of them in order to bring the best results possible.
- Political Awareness
- It is about understanding the currents or hidden agendas in an organisation, and in power relationships. This skill is the one which allows to understand the world around you, it also allows you to understand the world inside yourself, help you acts wisely, create opportunities for everyone, looking for win-win solutions.
Please answer in the comments: Which other elements you would say are part of empathy?
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